Sunday, April 3, 2011


by Gabby Morales

This topic has become a determination for me…something I just have to find out and at the same time learn from. So far I have only had casual conversations with women I already know and I have come to know their reasons for getting themselves checked out (mammograms). Yet, there are so many other women that I still need to ask to participate. I’m sure some of them will not hesitate to fill out my survey and the information they will provide will be of great help. I am in the process of asking some of the clinics around town if I can distribute my surveys at their location. If all goes as planned I will be receiving information soon enough and I will be able to start analyzing the results of what makes these women PDs or who in their lives are PDs along with them.

So far the conversations I have had involve a group effort when it comes to staying on top of getting checked. Friends, mothers and daughters, nieces and aunts, have formed a sort of support system among themselves that seems to be working well. How this exactly works, I still have to find out. It would be interesting to see if other women (related to each other or not) have built the support system that the women I first had a conversation with, have built. Stay tuned…

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