Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lend a Hand: Make Your Mark Music and Rap A.D.D.’s to the Soul - One Organization’s Journey to Send a Positive Message to All

by Davi Kallman

March 9th and 10th were very momentous days for A.D.D. as the organization raised over $500 towards a scholarship fund for students with disabilities. Members of the organization spent the two days spreading awareness through fliers, paint, pens, song, and rap. The whole point of the event was to spread awareness in a positive manner that focused on abilities rather than disabilities. Even students who weren’t members spent the entire day helping collect donations and bring their own unique twist to spreading the word. One vivid example is a student named Mike who is an undergraduate engineering major whose hobby is rapping. In five minutes mike was able to come up with an insightful and inspirational rap that directly related to the event and cause.

“So viewers like cable, we got a cause running here lets affect the disabled and who better than you, because you seem to be abled , so feel free to give and donate at this table, you all learned to share since the womb and the cradle, and trying to think the opposite is a myth like a fable, handicap, healthy, they are all really just labels, but the last time I checked we aren’t just packages we are human, lets help each other out by digging deep in (I don’t mean your pockets but that helps too) so instead of throwing in the bag, you can throw it in this basket and by this evening you could say, hey, I actually helped someone today. Feel free to do something as simple as walking across the street, anything will help.”

Thanks to Mike and other students like him, A.D.D. was able to spread the message in a positive manner through song, through lyrics, through the heart. We are grateful to those who see music as a method of healing.

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