Sunday, April 10, 2011

PD Inquiry Update II

By Jorge Luis Aguilar Cruz

In the previous PD Inquiry updates we were asked to further narrow our PD inquiries for the semester. I felt very comfortable with the questions designed to set certain criteria for the participants to participate in the PD inquiry. As of March 31st, 5 out of the 10 participants that fit the criteria were willing to be interviewed. The remaining PD inquiry prospects who chose not to be interviewed expressed their concerns over the interviews.  4 out of the 5 expressed concern over sharing their thoughts in the paper, although I assured them about their confidentiality and privacy they refused to participate.
            The weekend of April 1st thru April 3rd, myself along with the participants conducted 2 out of the 5 interviews for the PD inquiry.  The sessions lasted no more than 35 minutes in which we explored many social and economic issues in our community.  Although the participants are teenagers, based on their responses, they are well beyond their years.  The interviews were very fulfilling, and truly gave me a new insight to the new generations of Segundo Barrio.  In addition, to add more depth to the inquiry, follow up questions were asked in addition to the selective criteria questions. 
1.      What does living in Segundo Barrio/Central mean or represent to you?
2.      What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a single parent household that is considered low income?
3.      How do the activities in school help you in your day to day life?
4.      Your morals concerning with being drug free and a good student, who gave you those examples?
5.      How do you represent your community?

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