Sunday, February 13, 2011

Around the World

By Gabby Morales

It seems every country has its way of working to benefit those people living in them.  It is encouraging to see that people are working hard to get things done and the way they are accomplishing this is not through selfish means.  They are trying to better themselves and their families by thinking “outside the box.”  The people from Oxfam seem to be providing these tools for people in Mali and they are living up to their full potential because they want to.

There is a good reason for mentioning “because they want to” and that is because people need to be willing to work hard.  Positive Deviance comes from working hard and never giving up on a goal, but one also needs to have people willing to work to better themselves and others just like the people in Mali.  They are ordinary people who are finding their own solutions and sharing them with others.

People’s determination to keep going is admirable and the people in Mali and in many other places are living this change every day of their lives.  The power of PD knows no borders, countries, ethnicities—it knows no boundaries.  Concentration, strength and determination are big factors when it comes to being able to help others 100%. 

Other cases like the one in Uganda which examined how girls were able to break down barriers and protect themselves by using condoms and having their partners use condoms, as well and other issues, speaks volumes of those girls and their community’s commitment to change for the better.  Here is a group of people who have been successful at creating a change and spreading their knowledge with others around them.  We cannot be selfish and keep our ideas to ourselves.  It goes back to what we were taught as children, “sharing is caring.”

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