Monday, May 9, 2011

Drawing Upon Humor for Change

By Marisela Garcia

“Change this thing one laugh at a time”. Lisa Donnelly describes her take on bringing about change in regards to women’s roles in society. Although the role of women in today’s society has evolved, there is still a lot of change to be made. There has been a lot of serious talk about changing people’s outlook on gender roles. However, Lisa flips the script (an element of the PD initiative). She argues that if you tie women plus humor equals change. As a cartoon artist, Lisa utilizes her work to initiate discussion concerning gender roles. Her purpose: to empower women as change agents through humor. As women we know what the traditions and can bring a different voice to the topic. This is an example of finding the solution within, another element of PD. The point of this video: as women we carry the roles and traditions from generation to generation. So if we can act our way into a new way of thinking, in this case through humor, we can create change. What is Lisa DOING? Interacting women and humor through cartoons to bring a different approached to changing gender roles.

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