Sunday, March 27, 2011

Finalizing PD Inquiry...

By Jenny Cisneros
 I am still unsure on how to rephrase my inquiry coherently and concisely while including the following variables. 
“How have undergraduate Hispanic females who have experienced domestic abuse at an early age managed to escape a previously abusive relationship in the last five years? How was help sought? Is the relationship completely over?”
Seeking all positive deviants...
Student Questionnaire:
  1. Are you an undergraduate UTEP student?
  2. Are you a female?
  3. Are you of Hispanic origin?
  4. Did you grow up in a household where domestic abuse was present?
  5. If so, in the last five years have you personally experienced an abusive relationship with a significant other?
  6. Are still in the relationship? 
  7. If you meet all the criteria and would be willing to have a small conversation with me, please contact me at My name is Jenny Cisneros and I am a UTEP Communication graduate student. All information will be kept confidential. 
With the help of this questionnaire I am hoping to identify the micro behaviors that are accessible to everyone, however, these positive deviants use certain methods to avoid abusive relationships. Also, to identify some possible outside influences that help these positive deviants in the process as well. 
Although my group mentors are Davi and Sandra, if anyone else has some helpful suggestions and/or criticisms on my inquiry and questionnaire, your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Essentially I am trying to ask these girls very personal questions, however, I want to structure my questionnaire in a way that makes them feel comfortable enough to share this information with me. My questionnaire needs a couple more revisions before I begin administering these to students. 

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